How to Earn Points
Points are our way of helping YOU get involved and get recognized for it! Each point translates to a dollar amount that will fund your trip to International Collegiate Conference (ICC). ICC is in New Orleans, March 30 - April 1. Learn more about ICC here
General Meetings :
3 points
Volunteer Opportunities :
3 points per hour
Select Volunteer Opportunities :
1 point
For all events please send a screenshot of your registration and a photo of you volunteering to gracewilkins1@gmail.com to earn your ICC points!
March 1 & 2: YSL Alpine Races at Bridger
Sign Up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0D4EA4AA2AA46-52067249-bridger#/
➔ Multiple shifts available
➔ Help with youth races and get lunch, a lift ticket for the day, and a voucher for another day of skiing
➔ Earn 3 ICC points per hour
March 8: Sacks Thrift Store Volunteer
Sign Up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4FA5A923A3FDC07-55279167-sacks
➔ Volunteer from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
➔ Earn 3 ICC points per hour
March 8 & 9: Intro Jamboree at Bridger
Sign Up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0D4EA4AA2AA46-52066851-2025#/
➔ Multiple shifts available
➔ Help with an alpine race/jamboree day for first-time racers and get a lift ticket for the day
➔ Earn 3 ICC points per hour
March 29 - 30: OHG Championships - Alpine Races at Bridger Bowl
Sign Up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0D4EA4AA2AA46-52066643-bridger#/
➔ Multiple shifts available
➔ Help with Alpine races and get lunch, a lift ticket for the day, and a voucher for another day of skiing